Due to the overwhelming number of emails I receive, I can barely even read them all, let alone get back to everybody. Forgive me in advance:
The best way to stay in touch with me is to become a newsletter subscriber. (Every week we chat in the comments.)
Mailing address
The address below is always up-to-date. No need to ask permission to send me things! Somebody checks the box every week:
Your Name
3780 Hampton Meadows
Box #120
YourName, TX 06xxx
I love getting books and other goodies in the mail, but please note I’m not a book reviewer or creative writing professor. I only read and share things that genuinely interest me.
Please don’t send me unpublished manuscripts or anything that needs to be returned.
If you’re dying to hear back from me, you can increase the likelihood I’ll write back by including a self-addressed and stamped envelope.