Book Gallery List 1 Column

Creating a book gallery with RS WP BOOK SHOWCASE PRO is now easier than ever. Simply copy the shortcode below and paste it anywhere on your webpage. This will instantly display a book gallery, just like the one shown in the preview below. Again, make sure you have activated RS WP BOOK SHOWCASE PRO on your website.

[rswpbs_book_gallery books_per_page="2" books_per_row="1" categories_include="false" categories_exclude="false" authors_include="false" authors_exclude="false" exclude_books="false" order="DESC" orderby="date" show_pagination="true" show_author="true" show_title="true" title_type="title" show_image="true" image_type="book_cover" image_position="left" show_excerpt="true" excerpt_type="excerpt" excerpt_limit="30" show_price="true" show_buy_button="true" show_msl="true" msl_title_align="left" content_align="left" show_search_form="true" show_sorting_form="true" ]
Showing 1-2 of 8 books